Friday, January 6, 2012

Our Story

Stuck in a rut.  That's how we describe our lives right now.  We both work FT jobs, own a photography business, and have two kids to run after.  We both are physically unhealthy and need to do something drastic.  We are so busy that it's hard to find time to exercise.  When we do have a free moment we are so exhausted that we just want to rest.  We keep spinning our wheels, working harder and harder but we don't seem to be reaching our goals.  We are physically, financially, and emotionally drained.

In 2011 we had a number of medical issues and setbacks in our lives.  We had been praying that God would show us an answer to our situation -- a way out of our "funk."  At the end of 2011, we were at such a low point and we knew that something HAD to change in order for us to be happy again.  That's when we received an AdvoCare Impact magazine and Spark samples in the mail from our good friends, T.J. & Casey Overstreet.  As we were reading through the success stories in the magazine, we looked at each other and said, "This is it!  This is the answer to our prayers."  The families in the magazine started out just like us and made a successful life using and selling AdvoCare products.  

We were a little skeptical at first thinking that this seemed too good to be true, but we personally knew T.J. & Casey and trust them completely.  They successfully run their AdvoCare business on a part-time basis while Casey stays home with their three boys.  It worked for them and the many others in the Impact magazine, so we knew it could work for us too.  We researched the company and the products and discovered that AdvoCare has been around for 18 years and operates their business completely debt-free.  This is a good company with good products.  Even before we tried the products, we knew we wanted to make this our business.  We can lose weight, help others change their lives, and earn money while doing so.  What a great job to have!

After taking a hard look at our current situation and knowing that something had to change, we decided to make a commitment to ourselves and for our daughters that we would drastically change our lives in 2012.  We are committing to not only a new year's resolution but to a new life resolution.  Join us on our journey in our quest for complete health -- physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually. 

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